Royal Nursemaid (I Was There)

Jill Atkins
Published by:
Scholastic Children's Books
Suitable for ages:
Fotini Hamplová

A short chapter book about life inside Buckingham Palace in 1841.

This book is written in a simple first-person manner that is intended to bring the reader into the story as directly as possible. It is part of a series of books known as the 'I was there' books that hope to teach history to children. The book is well-written and it manages its purpose well. It is engaging and informative. Young readers feel like they are living through the events of the book.

These books are light and accessible, early readers can read them on their own and get a feeling of life in the past. A worthwhile series that is pleasant to read.

The stories are engaging and still gentle, so you could read this book aloud to a child as young as five.

If you would like to buy this book and support this site at the same time, you can buy it here.
British history; royal

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